Contentbox headline

Over Hill

Guild Information
New guild. Leader must edit this text :)

The guild was founded on Kaldrox on 14/09/2022.
It is currently active.

Guild Members
Rank [sort] Name and Title Vocation [sort] Level [sort] Status
Leader Overum Elite Knight 514 offline
Tanker Czklo Trintaeum Elite Knight 436 offline
Czklo Vinteum Elite Knight 461 offline
Overcinco Elite Knight 509 offline
Overdez Elite Knight 502 offline
Overdois Elite Knight 514 offline
Overnove Elite Knight 494 offline
Overoito Elite Knight 503 offline
Overquatro Elite Knight 512 offline
Overseis Elite Knight 509 offline
Oversete Elite Knight 505 offline
Overtres Elite Knight 511 offline
Naturer Czklo Eight Elder Druid 430 offline
Czklo Seven Elder Druid 463 offline
Czklo Six Elder Druid 467 offline
Czklo Trintaeoito Elder Druid 387 offline
Czklo Trintaeseis Elder Druid 401 offline
Czklo Trintaesete Elder Druid 395 offline
Czklo Vinteoito Elder Druid 455 offline
Czklo Vintesetee Elder Druid 452 offline
Trhunks Seven Elder Druid 519 offline
Trhunks Six Elder Druid 527 offline
Shotter Czklo Five Royal Paladin 454 offline
Czklo Four Royal Paladin 454 offline
Czklo One Royal Paladin 456 offline
Czklo Three Royal Paladin 455 offline
Czklo Trintaecinco Royal Paladin 374 offline
Czklo Trintaedois Royal Paladin 389 offline
Czklo Trintaetres Royal Paladin 376 offline
Czklo Trintaquatro Royal Paladin 375 offline
Czklo Two Royal Paladin 454 offline
Czklo Vintecinco Royal Paladin 395 offline
Czklo Vintedois Royal Paladin 402 offline
Czklo Vintequatro Royal Paladin 397 offline
Czklo Vinteseis Royal Paladin 398 offline
Czklo Vintetres Royal Paladin 406 offline
Trhunks Five Royal Paladin 501 offline
Trhunks Four Royal Paladin 501 offline
Trhunks One Royal Paladin 495 offline
Trhunks Three Royal Paladin 494 offline
Trhunks Two Royal Paladin 497 offline
Fireman Czklo Nine Master Sorcerer 457 offline
Czklo Quarenta Master Sorcerer 386 offline
Czklo Ten Master Sorcerer 466 offline
Czklo Trinta Master Sorcerer 444 offline
Czklo Trintaenove Master Sorcerer 398 offline
Czklo Vintenove Master Sorcerer 458 offline

Invited Characters
No invited characters found.

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players Online
Top Experience
1- Msdo Mal
1252, Master Sorcerer
2- Rasgaprega
249, Master Sorcerer
3- Hidden
248, Master Sorcerer
4- Voodoozinho
247, Master Sorcerer
5- Koda
246, Elder Druid

Castle War

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